Stages, Galleries, and Spaces at Clark
Clark’s visual and performing arts students take classes, practice, create art, and perform in the Traina Center for the Arts, which includes Razzo Hall, the Schiltkamp Gallery, the Fuller Resource Library, and the Fuller Multimedia Center; Estabrook Hall; and the Little Center, home of the Michelson Theater. The campus community and the public also attend events at these venues.

Traina Center for the Arts and Razzo Hall
As a venue for public concerts, films, exhibits, and other programs, Clark’s Traina Center for the Arts, along with its attached Razzo Hall, is a cultural resource for the campus, the neighborhood, and the city — while serving as a hub for teaching, research, and creation.

Schiltkamp Gallery
Visit the Schiltkamp Gallery, on the main floor of the Traina Center for the Arts, to view exhibits of work by student, faculty, and professional artists. Clark student interns help the gallery directors develop, install, and maintain each of the exhibits. Admission is free.

Media Arts Study Hub
The Media Arts Study Hub, located on the second floor of the Traina Center for the Arts, is an open study space equipped with a wide array of modern and legacy technology. It houses the departmental media collections, which encompass current-use and archival material.

Little Center and Michelson Theater
As the hub of Clark’s Theatre Arts program, the Little Center hums with set building and costume construction, rehearsals and performances nearly every day and night throughout the academic year. The Michelson Theater hosts the department’s main stage productions.

Estabrook Hall
In Estabrook Hall’s practice, rehearsal, recording, and classroom spaces, Clark students can immerse themselves in all genres of music, seven days a week, in the company of other music aficionados.